Friday, December 10, 2010

Dear Compassionate Care Program

Dr. Maseelall thought it would be good to include a letter about us and why we were deserving of being accepted into the Compassionate Care Program. Below is the letter I wrote to them. Let me know what you think?:

To Whom It May Concern,

Please accept our (Christopher and Christine) application to the Compassionate Care Program. We have been trying unsuccessfully for 18 months to have a child of our own. In the beginning of this year, Chris was diagnosed with a Vericocele due to low sperm count. This was very crushing to his ego and has been very hard on both of us. Christopher wants so badly to give our family the child we desire. When we found out about the Vericocele, the doctor gave us two options: IVF or Vericocelectomy. Since we have no infertility coverage with our health insurance we decided to try the Vericocelectomy since it would be covered by insurance. But not until after the $1500 deductable was covered first. During this time, Christine was also being tested due to her long cycles. We have always been a very healthy couple but it seems like 2010 was the year of medical procedures for both of us. By the end of 2010 we had spent close to $4000 on testing and surgery only to find out that the Vericocelectomy did not fix the sperm issue. We recently went to see Dr. Maseelell at Reproductive Gynecology Inc. in Columbus, Ohio. She is the one who referred us to your program. We are hoping that this letter would giving you a little bit more information about who we are and why we feel deserving of this wonderful gift. And hope that this will help make your decision a little easier. This has been a financial and emotionally draining process on both of us and we want nothing more than a chance to have our own child.


Thank you for your consideration,

Christopher and Christine Pichler


Ashley Tremaine said...

I'm so sorry you are having to go through this...looking back at your last post on the is just overwhelming I'm sure! I think your letter is great, and I pray they approve you for the program.

The Domestic Princess said...

Thank you Ashley! We have all fingers and toes crossed we will get accepted.

Lindsey said...

I think it sounds great and I really really hope that you get the help!

Jen J. said...

I think it sounds good - good luck, I really hope you get accepted.