Monday, April 25, 2011

Myth: If you just calm down, stop trying, and go on vacation for awhile, then you'll get pregnant.

Infertility Myth: If you just calm down, stop trying, and go on vacation for awhile, then you'll get pregnant.

Fertility Facts: Infertility is not a psychological disorder.

If I had a dollar for every time someone has told me this in the last two years, I'd be able to afford IVF (probably twice). Well I'm here to tell you we've calmed down, not thought about it, have been on two vacations and we're still not pregnant.  I know personally we didn't start becoming "open" with our Infertility  until we had a diagnosis. So, when this is said to an Infertile it feels like you are dismissing a medical problem that they have probably already been diagnosed with. It's hurtful. A better statement to make is to say "I'm sorry you are going through this" or "That must be hard for you guys" These are great empathetic statements that would make any Infertile feel like you care about them and their feelings. 

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