Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Myth: Couples who suffer from infertility probably wouldn’t be good parents anyway

Infertility Myth: Couples who suffer from infertility probably wouldn’t be good parents anyway.

Fertility Facts: Infertility is a medical condition, not nature's way of natural selection. 

There are so many bad parents out there who have no trouble having children, and plenty of couples who struggle with getting pregnant who become wonderful parents. Your fertility doesn’t say anything about your parenting ability. In fact, a couple who experience infertility may become stronger parents, because they may have a greater appreciation for the miracle that a child is. Don’t they always say that you appreciate things the more you have to fight for it? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, these myths are awful. I hope you aren't often subjected to people's lack of awareness and sensitivity like this, Christy. You are so strong to be so open with your journey, and I know that many people are benefitting from your courage. Love you and miss you!