Monday, March 7, 2011

Will the Focus Touch change Infertility Treatment?

I recently read an article about a product called the Focus Touch. It's an $80 intracervical insemination device that you can buy over the counter. The inventor: Steve Bollinger (pictured above) is trying to bridge the gap between intercourse and IVF.

I have to admit when I first started reading I was very intrigued. The article states that intracervical injection is not as widely used as it was because it doesn't reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases like intrauterine injection does. Plus the success rate for an intracervical injection is about 10 to 15 percent compared to IVF which is about 15 to 25 percent. The biggest reason that Bollinger states he wanted to invent this device is that most Infertility Treatments are so impersonal. 

I know what your does this thing work? Bollinger says about the Focus Touch: 

 "A small cap sits at the tip of a specially designed condom. During intercourse, the cap collects the semen and then is removed and fitted onto the end of the Focus Touch. The tube is then inserted into the vaginal tract until it rests against the cervix, placing the semen in close proximity to the woman's cervical entrance. The cap can stay inside the woman's body for three to five hours before being pulled out by a string, much like a tampon."

My opinion: This is an "At Home IUI" (intrauterine injection) so yes $80 is cheaper but there are few things that are missing from this article. First, 90% of women do not keep track of their cycles and that would be a must with the Focus Factor. Second, this "At Home IUI" doesn't require you to do a seman analysis before using the product. What if there are male infertility problems that have not been brought out by testing? Overall though, I'm very interested in this product. I love what Bollinger is trying to do...bring the "coldness" out of making a baby for those of us who aren't luky to conceive babies naturally. Do you think he's looking for Beta Testers?

So tell me your thoughts? What do you think of the Focus Touch? Would you use it?


WindDrop said...

A true IUI has a tube inserted through the cervix and places the sperm (not including semen) inside the uterus.
The major benefit of Focus Touch is it's a cleaner way to keep the semen up close to the cervix for hours. Some women just use instead cup after sex.
If I wasn't seeing an RE I would/will consider using this. I never tried the instead cup since I'm a big lady and figured logistically it would be difficult to insert and REMOVE!
So yes, I would research it a bit more, but would buy it. We can use all the help we can get. Especially in the case where you don't ovulate regularly.

The Domestic Princess said...

Thanks for your comments WindDrop. I think most of us in this stage of the game are willing to try anying..LOL! Good Luck!!!