Monday, October 18, 2010

Spotlight on Infertility: Cheryl and Frank

Welcome to Spotlight on Infertility. Please welcome Cheryl and Frank this week. I have "known" Cheryl for over a year through a chat board we both frequent. She is an excellent cheerleader for so many girls, including myself.

1. You and your significant others names Cheryl and Frank

2. How long have you been trying to conceive? We are on cycle 13

3. What stage of Infertility are you in (Natural, Clomid, IUI, IVF)? We are having natural cycles.

4. What procedures have you gone through to diagnose you and your significant other? My husband has had a S/A and everything came back normal.

5. If you have been diagnosed, would you please share? No diagnoses.

6. Are you seeing an Ob/Gyn or a RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) We have talked to my ob/gyn at month 10 regarding our frusteration and she ackowledged our concerns. She ordered a S/A for my husband and will start testing for female factors after we have been trying officially a year. Our year is here now and we are not pregnant. We have an appointment on October 18 to hopefully get this ball rolling.

7. What supplements are you taking (PNV, Fertile Aid, Etc.)? I am on prescription prenatal vitamins.

8. Are you charting/using ovulation predictors/fertility monitor? If you are charting, would you want to post your chart link? We are using a Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor and also charting.

9. Have you ever been pregnant before? Nope.

10. What are your plans for your future (infertility treatments, adoption, working with children)? We have not hit this road yet. We are willing to do anything for a natural child.

11. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about you? I am a NICU nurse and I work with infants/newborns every day while I am at work.  Life is just so unfair sometimes. He blesses some couples baby after baby, who have nothing to offer their child, and there are some couples who struggle month after month to get pregnant just once. I know someday I will have my turn, I just have to be patient.

12. Do you have a blog/website where you talk about your journey? If so, please link here: Nope

Good Luck Cheryl and Frank in your future. I hope this is not much longer for you two.

If you would like to be featured on Spotlight on Infertility, please email me at

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