Monday, April 4, 2011

{Stuck in the middle with you}

Lately, I've been feeling stuck in the middle of Infertilityland.

For the last few months I did a lot of avoiding of my feelings of Infertility. I just didn't want to talk baby at all. I ran across this chart: The Cycle of Grief and couldn't believe how much it described what I've been going through lately.

Since we are saving for IVF but yet still exploring other options to see if we can naturally conceive. It feels like we're stuck. Nothing is moving forward. We're not exploring treatment. We're just kinda here.

In this crazy blog world, I've always found my place with all the TTC Girls then I moved on to the Infertility Girls but now where do I fit in? Ok, yeah we're TTC and Infertile but I can't relate to anything any of the blogs I follow are going through right now. I can't be the only infertile girl saving for treatment, right?


taradawes said...

You're not the only one trust me, I put away money every week for fertility treatments that the husband and I can't afford yet, then I read blogs where women discuss how they are on their second round of IVF and then the floodgates open, it's so hard to imagine having the money to pay for even one round much less two. Some have gotten lucky with insurers who cover it, others who haven't - but still week after week I read their stories and I save my pennies, all while riding the constant roller coaster of the chart you posted. I look forward to the day when I can move plan into action - it may take longer but eventually we will all get there.

Carrie said...

I'm with you, Christy, in a sense. You know we've had some testing done, but were pretty much told "IVF or nothing." Since we aren't going to do IVF...well, we're stuck with nothing. We're just doing our thing and trying to stay hopeful.

The Domestic Princess said...

TaraDawes-I'm sorry. This waiting and scraping every penny together is a sucky place to be. I try to have faith that my time (and your time) will come. ((hugs))

Carrie-You are so strong. Being stuck in this middle ground is not fun.