Monday, September 14, 2009

Swap Meet

Clothes Swap that is! On Friday night, our realtor, Sue Berg, does a clothes swap every year that she invited me and my best friend, Amy, to. The rules were to bring 5 items (clothes, accessories, shoes, etc.), we lay out all the stuff for us to 'shop' before the swap, then you draw a card. The first person started with the Ace then we went up from there. When it was your turn you got to go take one item. Once every one had taken a turn, it was a free for all up to the table for any other items you want. We had such a great time with this. Sue always has the best wine. Here are some pictures I took:

I ended up getting a pair of boyfriend jeans, a old navy tshirt and a knock off Chole purse.

On Saturday afternoon, Christopher and I babysat my best friend, Amy's daughter so Mommy and Daddy could go out to dinner. We had such a great time hanging out with Addison. Here are some cute pictures of our fun time:

1 comment:

Darla said...

Love the clothes swap idea. What a cutie Addison is..